and then /aɪ/ flipped the photograph
2022, textile installation: dyed cotton and silk fabrics, embroidery thread, weaving thread and photographs, marble paintings, abstract images from the previous installment in the exhibition Thicket of Ideas - Thicket of Times, 800x150 cm
2022, two-channel video installation: film and video collage (16mm and digital), color, silent. 3 min.
Collaboration with Julia Kronberger

The collaborative work deals with the words Abdruck, Documentation, Representation. What means documentation as artistic practice? Using the left-over materials (textile, thread, film prints) from the previous installments at the exhibitions, Julia and me worked on a remembrance work that documents in abstract forms, reusing the ways of doing, careful handling with materials and forms, cut out on a piece of textile that reminds us a thread of the history without beginning and end. The abstract forms, memory images that stay with us after our visit to certain place, dances together in this textile-video installation.